Dementia Caring

Home Care Helps People with Dementia Live in Their Homes Longer

From cheerful family gatherings to birthday parties, we all have memories of our home. Thus, it’s only natural and expected that dementia sufferers would prefer to keep living in their houses instead of moving to a nursing home. If you have a loved one with dementia, and you think that moving is inevitable, we’d like to offer you a better option.

At Dementia Caring, we offer affordable dementia support and assisted care for those suffering from dementia. Here’s how home care can keep your loved ones living in their homes longer:

Improved Communication

It’s common to see relatives of dementia sufferers feeling frustrated because they don’t know how to talk to their loved ones. As dementia progresses, it creates more obstacles for communication—and without the proper knowledge, nursing homes may seem like the only option. Fortunately, our experienced caregivers understand these communication issues and are prepared to give our patients the respect and care they deserve, making your loved one feel more comfortable in their own home.

More Independence

Our caregivers can offer personalized home care services that promote independence for people with dementia. Whether your loved one needs someone to assist with home maintenance, meal preparation, or specialist therapies, we can help! Our team can work with you to find a personal care solution that is appropriate for your loved one, so that they can enjoy their homes even more.

Mental Boost

At Dementia Caring, we believe that living in your own home increases your quality of life. We understand that families want to give their loved ones the best care possible, but sometimes they don’t know how to do it because it takes special experience to understand the needs of dementia sufferers. Our services and therapies help those with dementia stay in their homes longer and benefit from the emotions and memories that only a familiar environment can evoke.

All our services are available to you 24/7. Do you want to know more about how Dementia Caring can help your loved ones? Contact us through our website or by calling us at 1300 792 691.

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